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Finding the Right NutUpdated 5 months ago

Use the Graph Tech Catalog or website - - for reference.

1. Start with the style of nut you are looking for. On the Graph Tech website, you can

In the filter section, select options like slotted guitar, bass guitar, blank, etc.

2. On the Graph Tech website and Product Catalog, nuts are sorted by length.

3. Scroll down until you find a length that is close. A little longer is ok, as it can be sanded

down for a nice flush finish with the neck.

4. Once you have the length, find the correct thickness again. A little thicker is ok, as it

can be sanded down.

5. Find the closest string spacing to want. For guitars, the measurement is from the

center of the low E string slot to the center of the high E string slot. Now you have the

nut, for example - 6134-00 - you can choose the material and write down the part

number you need.

For example:

  • TUSQ Nut: 1 packaged nut = PQ-6134-00
  • TUSQ Nut: 1 bulk nut = BQ-6134-00
  • TUSQ Nut: 10 packaged nuts = LQ-6143-00
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