What are the mechanical and chemical properties of your saddle materials?Updated 3 months ago
While properties like hardness and density are often points of curiosity, they don’t provide anywhere near the full picture when it comes to the tone and performance of our products such as TUSQ nuts and String Saver saddles.
Our products are designed with a range of important factors in mind, including hardness, elasticity, lubricity, internal dampening, and other factors, and the balance of each factor, which has a significant impact on sound, harmonics, and playability. It's kind of like baking a cake; it's not just how much flour you use or how high you turn on the oven.
These materials are the result of years of continuous development to ensure we deliver the best possible tone and performance to our customers. The exact composition and specifications are part of our proprietary technology and processing, and we do not share this information.
Ultimately, our priority is to provide you with components that enhance your instrument's tone, musicality, and reliability. Our sole purpose is to improve the playing experience.