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Custom Jacks

TRS Jack

This operates the Acousti-Phonic in Mono mode only with power switched by the Ring and Sleeve contacts of a standard, stereo, TRS jack.  This may be a useful option for guitars that can't use the Stereo Switched Jack, such a those with a deep barrel

Switched Barrel Jack

This is a solution for guitars with deep barrel jacks.  The Switchcraft Switchjack has four lugs like the Stereo Switched Jack that comes with the Acousti-Phonic, but the switch works in the opposite way, so it can't be wired the same.  This wiring d

Mag Bypass Stereo Jack

The mags go straight to the ring of the Stereo Switched jack, instead of going through the Acousti-Phonic (true bypass).  There is no blended (mono) mode available in this configuration.  When you insert a stereo 1/4" plug you get mags on the Ring an

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