How will this help me reduce string breakage?
As the strings move along the U.L.F. saddle or the String Saver saddles, they will not bind due to the slippery nature of the saddles resulting is less stress on the strings.
As the strings move along the U.L.F. saddle or the String Saver saddles, they will not bind due to the slippery nature of the saddles resulting is less stress on the strings.
The major difference is that string savers are made of a material that is permanently lubricated. It eases the grip of the saddle on the string, virtually eliminating string breakage. You will also notice a slight mid-range boost over TUSQ's slightl
String Saver Originals are made completely from our String Saver material, whereas String Saver Classics are a steel saddle with a small insert of the String Saver material where the string hits the saddle. String Saver Classics will retain the look
Due to the consistency of our String Saver Originals, it is extremely easy to work with. You can easily modify it with fine-grit sandpaper or other commonly used shaping tools. If we make a saddle close to what you need and you want to make the sad
ResoMax is made from a light proprietary alloy, equivalent to aluminum, that is as strong as steel. The ResoMax bridge will increase sustain and improve the tone of your guitar. We have three different bridges available, the ResoMax NVS, the ResoMax
A steel bridge mounted to your guitar will absorb many of the frequencies, letting your strings are resonating at. This will take away from the tone and sustain. With a light weight bridge you are opening up a passage way, linking your strings with
The autolock is a magnetically locking feature that secures at all times your bridge or tailpiece at all times without tools to use or lose, making restringing simple and quick.
No, the magnets are small enough that they will not affect your guitar's regular pickups. They are designed to secure the bridge and tailpiece to the posts.
The difference between our three different ResoMax bridges are the saddles that come installed. The NVS comes equipped with U.L.F. (Ultra Low Friction) saddles. The NV1 comes equipped with ResoMax saddles, and the NV2 is equipped with String Saver S
The U.L.F (Ultra Low Friction) saddles are made from the ResoMax light weight alloy and then thermal coated with our U.L.F. coating which is extremely hard and slippery. This results in reduced string breakage, improved tuning stability, and the 2KH
We have tested our U.L.F. saddles under numerous conditions, and the coating has not worn off yet. Like anything in the world, it is possible so if this happens please contact us and let us know.
Our ResoMax Tailpieces are made from the same lightweight, high strength material as our bridges so it will have same improvements as our ResoMax bridges. It will increase sustain and improve the tone of your guitar.
Our ResoMax bridges serve as a drop in replacement for any 4mm or 6mm posts already mounted on your guitar, making for an easy instillation. Already loaded with our String Saver saddles this will really save you the hassle of fiddling with tiny spri
ResoMax NV2 is loaded with our String Saver saddles. Providing a balanced tone will allow your string to ring at a steadier rate and play better in harmony. You will also notice more body in your tone as String Saver saddles really bring out those mi
As the strings move along the U.L.F. saddle or the String Saver saddles, they will not bind due to the slippery nature of the saddles resulting is less stress on the strings.
Since our saddles are impregnated (not coated) with lubricating material, if you notice your guitar strings digging into the material or any other imperfections, you can easily take some sandpaper, sand the notch or groove out and it's like working w
We at Graph Tech have had tremendous feedback from customers about our Resomax bridges, but are always asked, "Which one is right for me?" Here is a quick rundown. There are a few traits that all of our bridges share:. The different options are due t